Page 11 - SRNS Today December 2021
P. 11
As the chair of this year’s SRS Toys for Tots and Angel Tree
program campaign, Theresa Houston understands what these
efforts can mean in a child’s life.
“When I was a child, there was one Christmas where we didn’t
have many presents under the tree,” recalls Houston, a Records/
Information Management Specialist in the SRNS Document
Control Group. “Thanks to Toys for Tots and Angel Tree, my
brother and I had something on Christmas morning, and I’ve
never forgotten that. You never know what impact you will have
on a child with the simple kindness of buying a toy or being Santa
to an Angel.”
Houston is a U.S. Air Force veteran and says her military service
career in logistics and records gave her skills needed to help
Theresa Houston
organize this complicated campaign. She also supports local
animal rescue agencies by fostering cats for adoption.
AT SRNS: Records/Information Management Specialist
See “Helping Santa deliver” on page 10 for more details about
the Toys for Tots and Angel Tree program campaign. “We are so
IN THE COMMUNITY: 2021 SRS Toys for Tots/ grateful that SRNS and its employees like Theresa give so much
Angel Tree Program Campaign Chair of their time and support to families across our region,” said
Salvation Army of Aiken Captain April Tiller.
South Carolina Emergency identified the need for additional qualified instructors in the Aiken area
Management Division certifies and is excited to partner with SRS.”
Site training personnel may also be allowed to teach FEMA Incident
SRNS instructors Command System classes in the future, which is a basic requirement
for all emergency responders to help them better understand FEMA’s
The SRNS Emergency Response Training and Evaluation Group (ERTEG) response process.
recently partnered with the South Carolina Emergency Management “Emergency Management personnel will now have easier access to
Division (SCEMD) to create an agreement that allows SRNS employee courses and can pursue other certifications including the South Carolina
training instructors to teach courses offered by the state agency within Certified Emergency Manager (SCCEM) Certificate and the International
their area of expertise. Association of Emergency Management Certified Emergency Manager
SCEMD, a division of the Adjutant General’s Office, is the coordinating Certificate, which will help the Site’s Emergency Management staff
agency responsible for the statewide emergency management program. achieve subject matter expert status,” he said. A majority of ERTEG
Its mission is to develop, coordinate, and lead the effective preparation members and Emergency Management employees have either earned
for, response to, and recovery from emergencies and disasters to save or are currently working toward obtaining their SCCEM.
lives, reduce human suffering, and minimize property loss.
With four nuclear power facilities in South Carolina, and two closely
located in neighboring states, the partnership with SCEMD allows
SRS personnel, who are uniquely positioned to share valuable
nuclear experience and emergency response tactics, to participate in
comprehensive state and federal training programs.
“This partnership provides a significant benefit to SRS and SCEMD by
allowing SRS to host Emergency Management classes on-site and share
experiences and lessons learned with other emergency responders,” said
SRNS ERTEG Acting Manager Michael Lewis. This also allows SRS to SRNS and DOE personnel on the SRS Emergency Response Organization participate
build relationships with surrounding counties by delivering trainings and in a Site Emergency Exercise before the COVID-19 pandemic.
specific nuclear experience to their personnel. Lewis stated, “SCEMD has