Page 9 - SRNS Today December 2021
P. 9
Procurement helps local businesses grow
Leaders from SRNS Supply Chain Procurement recently provided subcontracts to small and diverse businesses. SRNS committed nearly
information about doing business at SRS, during the Augusta Metro 80% of all procurement dollars to these local and national companies.
Chamber of Commerce’s “Third Thursday Business Builder” meeting. Freeman appeared with other SRNS Supply Chain Procurement
“This event is held regularly by the Chamber to help people understand managers, and they provided an in-depth look at SRS missions and
how they might be able to do business with some of its members more operations, followed by a “how to” presentation. Topics covered
effectively,” said Fred Freeman, Director, Supply Chain Procurement. included: Partnering for Success, Managing Your Reputation,
“We gladly accepted the invitation. SRNS is continually looking for Understanding SRS Requirements and the Procurement Process.
opportunities to help local businesses — especially small businesses “We told them how to find business opportunities here at SRS, and
— understand they can optimize their ability to work with SRS.” where we typically look for products and services,” said Alex Agyemang,
Over the past four years, SRNS has awarded more than $1 billion in SRNS Small Business Liaison Officer. “But better yet, we also described
potential pitfalls that companies should avoid, such as issues related to
conflict of interest.”
Presenters also provided tips and techniques for suppliers to increase
their knowledge of the procurement process. “We do our best to coach
them,” said Agyemang. “These tips are essential because you can do
everything right and still not win the business. These sessions allow us
to provide information and receive candid feedback.”
Sue Parr, President and CEO, Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce,
noted that many of those in attendance found exceptional value during
the final segment of the presentation when the floor was opened for
general discussion. “Our members were able to talk directly with the
SRNS procurement team, the people who will be reviewing, analyzing
and selecting candidates for opportunities throughout the Savannah
River Site. We were quite pleased with the event and will be inviting the
Alex Agyemang, SRNS Small Business Liaison Officer, speaks at Augusta Metro SRNS Procurement team to
Chamber of Commerce’s “Third Thursday Business Builder” meeting.
visit us next year, as well.”
$25K in mini grants for nearby schools
Thirty-four Allendale, Bamberg and Orangeburg high school teachers “On behalf of the Building
recently received a combined $25,000 in Savannah River Nuclear Construction class at the
Solutions (SRNS) mini grants. These funds will benefit more than 4,000 Orangeburg Career and
students attending these schools near SRS. Technology Center, I —
Sean Alford, SRNS Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative along with my students — Shawn Foster, Superintendent, Orangeburg County
School District, accepts SRNS mini grants for the
Officer, noted that for decades, SRNS has been providing mini grants to want to express our sincere district’s winning teachers from Kim Mitchell, Lead,
elementary and middle school teachers throughout the region. “In fact, gratitude and appreciation SRNS Education Outreach.
more than $700,000 has been contributed to date through this highly for being awarded a mini
valued program,” he said. grant from SRNS,” said Tracey Scoville, Certified National Center for
Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Instructor. “This grant
“As a company, we value a diverse workforce and representation from will enable me to purchase personal protective equipment and tools that
all the counties surrounding SRS. With approval of recent missions, will be used to create an individual toolbox for each student, which will
such as the Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility, we believe eliminate the risk of contamination, ensuring the safety of all students
that SRNS can help create a viable workforce by promoting student and instructors. These tools will be used to construct various projects
achievement in areas close to the Site,” added Alford. that will develop their skills as they pursue their NCCER Certification.”
This new outreach initiative assisting local high school teachers by Shawn Foster, Ph.D., Ed.D., Superintendent, Orangeburg County School
SRNS further develops their employment pipeline by providing science, District expressed his appreciation to SRNS for expanding the mini
technology, engineering and math (STEM) classroom materials and grants program to include high schools in Orangeburg County, as they
equipment to area educators. received a large share of the grants. “Orangeburg’s teachers responded
Using the grants, teachers can purchase equipment, computer to this opportunity with tremendous enthusiasm, and I couldn’t be
programs, hands-on kits and other products to enhance their students’ more excited to watch as the $19,250 in funding SRNS awarded our
performance and STEM learning experience. teachers impacts special projects in classrooms, across grade levels
and throughout our schools.”