Page 10 - SRNS Today December 2021
P. 10
Helping Santa deliver
For 30 years, SRS has participated in the Marine Corps Toys for In addition to Toys for Tots, SRS started participating in the
Tots and Salvation Army Angel Tree programs. Since 1991, SRS has Salvation Army Angel Tree program in 2000. Over the past 20
collected and donated more than 588,000 toys to the Marine Corps years, SRS employees have been adopting Angels and have
Toys for Tots program. given gifts to over 16,000 children in the CSRA. During this year’s
The two programs have combined into one campaign, which has campaign, 492 Angels were adopted.
become an important tradition that benefits those less fortunate children “Thank you to all the SRS employees who participated in this
in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA). year’s campaign. Your acts of service and simple kindness of
In addition to the toys collected during this year’s campaign, over buying a toy or being Santa to an Angel will impact these children
$25,000 was raised, surpassing the original $20,000 goal. in ways that you cannot imagine; and who knows, these children
may pay your kindness forward by doing the same years from
“It’s a blessing to have each organization here because it adds to what now for other children,” Houston continued. “Because of all of
we are trying to do to serve those families in need in our community. you, we are able to continue giving back to our local communities
Since the Toys for Tots mission is to collect new unwrapped toys for less year after year.”
fortunate children on Christmas, the SRS campaign helps us complete
the mission,” said Augusta Toys for Tots Coordinator Anne Woods. The Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army Angel Tree programs in
Augusta serve the following counties: Burke, Columbia, Glascock,
“The past two years have been a huge adjustment for people Hancock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond,
everywhere,” said 2021 SRS Toys for Tots and Angel Tree Program Taliaferro, Warren, Washington, Wilkes and Wrens.
Campaign Chair Theresa Houston. “We are so fortunate to have such
selfless and giving employees at SRS. The SRS Toys for Tots and The Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army Angel Tree programs in
Angel Tree program campaign is dedicated to helping those less Aiken serve the following communities: Aiken, Allendale, Barnwell,
fortunate children in our communities by collecting toys and finding Edgefield, North Augusta, Beech Island, Belvedere, Williston,
Santas for Angels in the CSRA.” Salley and Couchton.
Colonel Claude H. Davis III, U.S. Marine Corps Dennis Carr, LaKendra Coach, Megan Corbin, LaToya Ardis, The Marine Toys for Tots Program distributes an
Reserve (Ret.), explains the history and tradition Willis Holley, Theresa Houston, Stephanie Craig of SRNS, with average of 18 million toys to seven million less
behind the annual Toys for Toys program. Salvation Army Capt. April Tiller. fortunate children each Christmas.